Tuesday, 6 November 2012

                Feature magazine article

The subject I chose to focus my article on was extra terrestrial life. A subject, which I seem to keep mentioning in my other work. I decided to take a neutral stance on the subject as articles I had previously read tended to be focused on peoples first hand experiences. Either bias toward proving  that the stories were true or to proving that they weren't. I decided my feature article would take a completely scientific approach showing only scientific evidence of Alien life. And mathematical percentages of the likelihood of life in other world.  

The first thing I had to do was to decide which sort of magazine my article would go in. I researched some traditional paranormal magazines such as the ones below but decided that they were the wrong sorts of magazine. They are less concerned with facts are more with writing for people who already or want to believe in the paranormal. As I wanted to take more of a scientific approach I thought I would write my article for a science magazine. I have been reading and have had on subscription a science and technology magazine since the age of ten. This seemed the best place for my article and uses a form of layout, which I had in mind for my article. The magazine i chose was Focus.
